Low Demand Parenting - and School
How Can You Help Your Pressure Sensitive Child to Manage School?
Illustration by Eliza Fricker
Your child is very much themselves. Doesn’t go along with the crowd, won’t fit the mould, sees through control and refuses to have any part of it. They are clear-sighted and honest and on their own developmental pathway. They respond badly to attempts to control their behaviour. Just bringing out a sticker chart is enough to ensure that they’ll never do that thing again.
Then along comes school. So many expectations and instructions. Do this, do that – and if you’re not, why aren’t you? A time to do everything, but on the school’s schedule, not the child’s. It stretches out ahead of them for years with the end fading into the distant future. No one is able to understand why they aren’t just doing what they are told like everyone else. But they just can’t.
How can you be a low demand parent when your child is at school? What can you do to smooth their path? Eliza Fricker (Missing The Mark) and I are tacking this issue head on in our next Art of Low Demand Parenting webinar. Fully illustrated and packed with real life experience. We’ve sneaked it in just as school is starting, which means that it’s only in a few days time. Sunday Sept 3rd.
Feedback from participants:
I have been following the series of webinars. As usual, as I had the time and space to myself, I have had a little cry, a little laugh and nodded all the way through. As usual you and Eliza have helped me put many challenges into perspective and guided me towards carrying on and recognising my son’s needs and my relationship with him are the priority.
I want you to be aware of my huge gratitude to the two of you, your sessions have saved me, improved my mental health and confidence and in turn improved my sons wellbeing and quality of life.
In a world that pushes children and parents to conform, loading guilt and consequence onto the whole family if you don’t, your webinars and message that different is ok allows our reality to be our truth and we feel seen and supported. That is invaluable, it may just save us from the spiral we have been in.
I'd be really interested in this replay too, thank you
If we missed cuz of travel let's say,is there way to buy it now