Did you know that burnout isn’t a medical problem? According to the World Health Organization, it’s not a sign that there’s anything wrong with a person, but instead it’s an occupational phenomenon. It’s what happens when the demands of a person’s environment exceeds their ability to cope, for too long. The person becomes chronically stressed and then starts to be unable to bring themselves back to a state of equilibrium.
Essentially, it’s when our brains and bodies say STOP. The brakes have been slammed on, because we can’t keep going as we are.
More teenagers are showing signs of burnout and we don’t know quite why that is. The pandemic was highly stressful for many, and they are now under increased exam pressure and facing uncertain futures. It can all feel relentless.
But there are things that parents can do to help, before it gets to the STOP stage. That’s what we will be discussing in this new webinar on April 17th. How can you help your teenager avoid burnout. Full of practical tips and psychological insight, alongside original illustrations. Join Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker (www.missingthemark.co.uk) to understand burnout and to help your teen. This is appropriate for demand avoidant and autistic teenagers as well as those with no diagnoses.
It is recorded. Please share if you know parents who might benefit.