Why would anybody read something like this?! They throw out EMDR at the beginning and never even explain what it means. Or am I missing something?

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Dear Naomi, would you have resources (or ideally, some time to consult!) about engaging very avoidant children into EMDR reprocessing phases? I've been struggling with this for a couple kids and would love your insight if you have the time, thank you so much (I already inspire myself with Ana Gomez's work but it doesn't seem to be enough, unless I'm just too impatient).

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Hi, I do have a recorded mini-course on working with demand avoidant children - it's not specifically about EMDR but is based on my experience of using EMDR with very avoidant kids. It might be useful? https://courses.naomifisher.co.uk/offers/dZKvi4pT/checkout

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oh i've actually bought it when you gave it live last year! i'll check my notes because I actually had forgotten about it :') and it was before I got trained in using EMDR with children (I'm still a newbie) - if you ever have the time to provide guidance specifically about transitioning to processing in EMDR it would be awesome (I guess I'm not the only one it would help). Thanks a lot for your reply.

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