Good case to make. I’ve always held a strong belief that parent instincts are a powerful indicator of what’s not quite right emotionally, physically or socially with a child. But it’s not the only indicator. Sometimes a person’s instincts are coloured by past events,their own family experiences and what’s happening emotionally right now. Sometimes a parent needs to check their instinctual knowledge with a trusted third party, almost as a filter before acting on them. Instincts are part of the story but not always do they tell the whole parenting story. This view based on almost 40 years working with parents!

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I think one of the most difficult parts of this is bearing with the judgment of other adults when you ARE tuned into your child, and your child is free to not conform to what every other child is forced to be. So they are different and often have more needs (because their needs are recognized and not ignored), which draws judgment toward the tuned-in parent, as if being so made your child different/high-need/etc.

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Wish I had this to hand 4 years ago. Before the school based trauma was embedded. Actually I wish I had the confidence to follow my instincts before school was on the radar. What I wish most is that every school would hear your message, support children and families and stay curious rather than judgmental about what’s needed.

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Absolutely. We have to hold firm against all of the rubbish thrown at us and trust our instincts.

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