It isn't fair. And doubly not fair to neurodivergent kids. Are they trying to dictate our life. Is this a China system. Government control of its citizens.
In the meantime, some games are trying to simulate social interactions that can be done in real life. What is wrong with the world? Points are the killer of spontaneity and curiosity.
It isn't fair. And doubly not fair to neurodivergent kids. Are they trying to dictate our life. Is this a China system. Government control of its citizens.
If we assign points to every, little thing the points will start to lose their meaning.
This is right out of Black Mirror!
This has prompted me to read Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn. And gladly, I won't get 1000 points for reading it.
In the meantime, some games are trying to simulate social interactions that can be done in real life. What is wrong with the world? Points are the killer of spontaneity and curiosity.
Ugh, gamification. I could never really get behind it and so many products are just replacing paper and not actual innovation.