A friend is a TA in a large school. She commented how soul destroying it is to push and support kids that struggle so much at school and... they end up with almost no qualifications anyway. All that self esteem bashing for no outcome at all. That really made me shiver. Couldn’t that time with those beautiful young souls have been better spent?

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I remember being told (repeatedly) how important GCSEs were and if I failed them I was a failure. We had to keep our results in our “Record of Achievement” and this would be the most important document in our lives beyond school.

I didn’t get the results I should have of course and beyond a short stint at 6th form and college (where I presumably needed some GCSEs to get in) I was never once asked for that document or how many GCSEs I had. The results I got (or didn’t get) had no real bearing on my life beyond school and it’s dangerous to convince children otherwise.

Those results didn’t stop me from having a successful working life and should not be used to stop anyone else from doing the same.

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Thank you - awaiting sons results this morning and feeling anxious!

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