This is so important and powerful. We are always told that children need to comply or else we as parents are failing.
We lived as a family in crisis that way - but once we understood that choice, and low demands made for a happier life for all. So many teachers& professionals just don't get it. I look back now with sadness of what we all went through.
Love this. So very true. The language we use matters so much! Might you share this on your Facebook page so we can share on there? Thank you for your brilliant writing.
I will send this to everyone I know that comes into contact with us as a family and in particular my daughter. Thank you for writing about it so eloquently.
This is so important and powerful. We are always told that children need to comply or else we as parents are failing.
We lived as a family in crisis that way - but once we understood that choice, and low demands made for a happier life for all. So many teachers& professionals just don't get it. I look back now with sadness of what we all went through.
Love this. So very true. The language we use matters so much! Might you share this on your Facebook page so we can share on there? Thank you for your brilliant writing.
I will send this to everyone I know that comes into contact with us as a family and in particular my daughter. Thank you for writing about it so eloquently.