Love love love this. 💯 true. People are so quick to judge, schools especially. It’s a long, lonely path

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Recommended on fb and Twitter. Really good

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Oh my gosh I have just found these after dealing with my sons years of school refusal with anxiety and being asked by the school if I am seeing a therapist amongst other things and now being charged with habitual truancy. This is amazing I want to take so many of these and have the school and those judging read them even though I don't know that it would make a difference. I would like to put them up to remind me to stay strong and someone understands. Is there a place we can print theses?

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My daughter was asked recently.......Is your mum worrying projecting onto you and making you worry ?............My daughter thought about it..........then said I haven't noticed my mum worrying ...........I'm furious she was asked..............but her answer was perfect

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Yup I can totally relate, well except I am a dad. :P

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Excellent- you’ve put into words what I have often struggled with!

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OMG! this is so, so true! Anxiety is totally used as a way to dismiss parents concerns or worries. It really devalues the parent or carer who is trying to advocate for their child. I have experienced this and found it so damn frustrating.

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Thank you for this, from an anxious mom tonight.

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You've captured the feeling of the daily struggle so well. The day-in and day-out concern for a child's mental wellbeing ... it is not "anxiety". It is all-consuming and existential.

We need more advocacy, not less. To appear _more_ anxious. How else to effect change?

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I'm really grateful to find your page. You just describe our daily life in every detail with a great professionalism. In our family, we've come to school distress in this last semester. My anxiety has started long before, as I wanted to get rid of that continuous struggle ( before and after school). I'm still trying to find a way to homeschool as it's not recognized in my country ( which is silly). But as a working mom, I have another anxiety of how can I do it? Who's gonna stay with them? Will I be able to monitor their learning or play after a day of work. A real dilemma, though I'm sure relieving my kids from structured learning is the best thing I can do for them.

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