Such a great topic for parents (and teachers) to understand. I think the burnout occurs even earlier for those with developmental or learning issues. I certainly saw it happen to my son by about 3rd grade. And for most, by the time they hit high school, they’re sick of it all and see no point. It’s really quite sad.

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Dear Naomi, thank you for sharing this. I believe it points towards truly connecting with children, really listening to them and their needs, rather than thinking, "This is how it should be."

Childhood is a crucial journey for developing self-confidence and a fundamental sense of trust in the world and in your ability to feel safe. Play, exploration, and nurturing curiosity are immensely important for this, as you wonderfully pointed out.

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Yes, children are humans! However, especially in education, we too often treat them as almost-human or soon-to-be-human, using that as a justification to take away their basic rights. Would you want to be treated like that??

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